EESC nel suo recente documento Digitalisation CHALLENGES FOR EUROPE parla della elettrosensibilità
EESC: European Economic and Social Committee
è un'agenzia della UE che dà supporto consulenziale al Parlamento e Commissione Europei su tematiche tecnico economico politiche.
In questo documento di oltre 100 pagine parla di tanti aspetti legati alla creazione di una società digitale, come anche dell'impatto sociale derivante. Tra gli impatti cita la elettrosensibilità ai CEM. Qui sotto il testo.
Un buon testo che riporta che almeno 13 milioni di Europei ne soffrono ...
tutto bene? No! Perché rimanda ad un loro studio (opinione richiesta appunto dalla UE) sulla EHS del 2015. Ricordo molto bene che questo fu molto 'sofferto' anche se con il contributo di diverse associazioni europee, di coinvolgimento dei membri di EESC - che hanno votato un testo - ... Ricordo che il testo in extremis fu modificato da un 'esperto inglese' con una frase che riporta la EHS al solito stato di non-malattia ... nel limbo!
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity
Rappoteur: Bernardo Hernández Bataller
Each day the number of EHS sufferers increases: according to new estimates, between 3% and 5% of
the population are electro-sensitive, meaning that some 13 million Europeans may suffer from this
syndrome, which has various names (electro-sensitivity, Wi-Fi syndrome, microwave syndrome,
electromagnetic hypersensitivity, etc.).
Gist of the opinion1
Exposure to electromagnetic fields has been increasing in recent years, following the expansion of
technologies. In addition to health problems, this can result in limited access to many public or
private facilities, especially in buildings where devices have been installed for transmitting wireless
These people may sometimes suffer the incomprehension and scepticism of doctors who do not deal
with this syndrome professionally and therefore fail to offer proper diagnosis and treatment. Due to
the serious differences in scientific opinion, the independence of bodies involved in establishing
maximum exposure levels must be reinforced. The EESC is in favour of adopting binding safeguarding
legislation that reduces or mitigates exposure to electromagnetic fields.
The EU should assist currently affected groups and limit exposure fields in light of the
recommendations set out in this opinion, especially with respect to recognising this exposure as a
cause of functional disability and environmental illness.
The EESC emphasises the need to step up the application of the ALARA principle, bearing in mind the
risk of non-thermal biological effects of electromagnetic emissions. In addition, it is important to
facilitate research in this area. The EESC is in favour of ensuring a high level of health protection for
workers by applying the improvements that are available, while this principle should be included in
European legislation.
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