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Argentina: alcuni Comuni dicono NO al 5G!

I comuni   Lechmann (Santa Fe), Azul (Buenos Aires) and Capilla del Monte (Córdoba),Ushuaia, in Tierra del Fuego   dicono no in attesa di precise informazioni che le radiazioni provenienti dalle anatenne 5G non creeranno problemi sanitari alla popolazione. Like Commune of Lechmann (Santa Fe), Azul (Buenos Aires) and Capilla del Monte (Córdoba), they will not enable the installation of antennas until they have precise information that the radiation from 5G antennas does not affect the health of the inhabitants of those communes; In the world, 5G has 1.6 billion users The Nation, January 3, 2024 The city of Ushuaia, in Tierra del Fuego, joined this Tuesday the list of four municipalities in the country that resolved to prohibit the installation of antennas for 5G communications technology until there are scientific and environmental studies that guarantee the safety of the associated radiations. with these devices that promise to exponentially optimize the speed and volume of da