IRAN: grande attenzione alle radiazioni con un grande investimento nel monitoraggio
A teheran ci sono 70 stazioni di monitoraggio che controllano continuamente il livello di radiazioni per le varie fasce di frequenza ... con analisi computerizzata continuativa ... ... e a Milano ? a Roma ? Electromagnetic Radiation Online Monitoring System in Tehran, Shiraz EghtesadOnline, Oct 24, 2018 The Communications Regulatory Authority has launched an online monitoring system through which people can check the amount of electromagnetic radiation in different areas in Tehran and the southern city of Shiraz. The data is harvested from 70 monitoring stations in Tehran and 18 in Shiraz. The information is accessible through the ombudsman’s website,, Mehr News Agency reported. Based on EMR emission standards, determined by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection and the Iranian National Standards Organization, the data will be analyzed automatically by a smart computer. ICNIRP is a non-government organization fo...