Il Comune di Ockland,Michigan, USA vota per il diritto del non avere lo smart meter
Decisione importante e significativa secondo la quale un cittadino puo' ri fiutarsi di avere uno smart meter digitale e di non dover pagare un extra per avere ancora il tradizionale analogico. Excerpt June 21st, 2012 – Oakland County, Michigan – Commissioners Support Smart Meter Refusal. Today, on a unanimous consent vote, the 25 member Oakland County, Michigan, Board of Commissioners approved a resolution that supports the right of every utility customer to be able to opt-out of a ‘smart’ electric meter without cost or penalty. The resolution also contains language calling for it to be forwarded to the Governor, the Attorney General, the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC), and the members of the legislature who represent Oakland County. Our heartfelt thanks go to Commissioner James Runestad for proposing and spearheading this fine document, and to Christine Long and her General Government Committee that earlier held a very thorough and well run hearing on this where DTE wa