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Il Ministro francese della Istruzione conferma (10.12.17) il bando dei telefoni cellulari

French Minister of Education confirms cell phone use by  students will be banned in schools and colleges next Fall by André Fauteux / english Without banning tablets however, he admitted that screens are a "public health issue".  "We have studies showing that exposure to the screens of children under seven is a health problem.  It is good that children are not too much, if at all, in front of screens before the age of seven, "said Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer on the TV show Le Grand Jury RTL-Le Figaro.  LCI. The cell phone ban was promised by French President Emmanuel Macron during his election campaign.  Last September, the largest federation of pupil parents’ associations evoked "an appalling logistics problem".  The minister replied that details of the ban are still in development.  « You may need a cell phone for educational purposes or emergency situations.  It has to be confined, which in passing...

Richmond, California contro le armi che usano radiazioni

E' preoccupante scoprire  che - in questi giorni -  il consiglio comunale di questo comune (107.000 abitanti!) ha approvato una risoluzione di bando di tutte quelle armi che sfruttano, tra l'altro, vari tipi di campi elettromagnetici, ed altro) per ottenere un controllo mentale di persone. Mi colpisce come già nel 2001 c'è stata una proposta di legge al Congresso USA (che però non credo sia andata a buon file - ho chiesto dettagli -  ) in cui si chiede il bando di armi tra cui sistemi che direzioni flussi di energia , atomica, radiazioni elettromagnetiche (RF, ELF, ULF) ... inoltre si specifica tra l'altro tra gli 'exotic weapons' ci sono :  chemtrails  (NB!)  , armi elettroniche, psicotroniche, sistemi spaziali basati su radiazioni con frequenze ultrabasse, etc. .... . CITY COUNCIL VOTES TO BAN MIND CONTROL WEAPON USE AGAINST RESIDENTS By Melissa Dykes [1]Global Research, May 21, 2015Truthstream Media [2] 20 May 2015 The numbers are ...

Il Belgio mette al bando il telefono cellulare per bambini sotto i 7 anni

Mobile phones to be banned for children The Belgian government has announced measures to restrict the use of mobile phones by young children. Feb 28, 2013 Public Health minister Laurette Onkelinx has announced that sales of mobile phones to children under 7 years will be banned in shops and also on the internet. Adverts for mobile phones during children's programmes on TV radio and the internet will also be banned. Research shows than in Belgium every two out of three children under 10 years have a mobile phone. At 12 years they nearly all have one. The minister has highlighted the radiation risk from cell phones which is higher for young children than adults. NG / Together Magazine / Expatica   === Belgium: New Measures to Protect Children from Mobile Phones Details concerning new measures aimed at protecting children from mobile phones RTBF, 25 February 2013 (tran...

Il Presidente della principale società di telefonia belga NON vuole Wifi nel piano dive c'è il suo ufficio !!!

Inoltre non vuole che si telefoni al suo telefono cellulare !!! Inoltre ha partecipato ad un incontro con i ragazzi a scuola sui pericoli di Internet, ma anche della pericolosità del GSM ______________________________________________________________________ The head of Belgium’s largest cellphone company bans WI-FI from his offices and tells kids cellphones are dangerous! December 15, 2012  in  -Mailing List ,  Cell phone news ,  DECT, Wi-FI, and WLAN wireless systems and health  by  EMFacts From Andre Fauteux, Editor La Maison du 21e siècle magazine: The head of Belgacom is not crazy about the Wi-Fi fad in his cellphone company’s skyscraper. The 27th floor, occupied by management, thus goes without the technology that allows high speed broadband Internet access. The decision is barely surprising when we know that Didier Bellens also asks his contacts to call him on his landline rather than on his cell. The man who heads Belgacom, and...