Altro lavoro sulla melatonina come potente antiossidante
Questo lavoro ha verificato l'effetto della melatonina sui testicoli dei ratti sottoposti a radiazioni elettromagnetiche. Riduce gli effetti dello stress ossidativo causato dalle RF e la frammentazione del DNA. Questo dopo 20 - 40 gg di somministrazione . The Effects of Melatonin on Oxidative Stress Parameters and DNA Fragmentation in Testicular Tissue of Rats Exposed to Microwave Radiation Sokolovic D, Djordjevic B, Kocic G, Stoimenov TJ, Stanojkovic Z, Sokolovic DM, et al. The Effects of Melatonin on Oxidative Stress Parameters and DNA Fragmentation in Testicular Tissue of Rats Exposed to Microwave Radiation. Adv Clin Exp Med. 2015 May-Jun;24(3):429-36. doi: 10.17219/acem/43888. Abstract BACKGROUND: Microwaves from mobile phones are one of the environmental toxicants that are capable of compromising male fertility by inducing oxidative stress and apoptosis in the testes. Melatonin is a lipophilic tryptophan indole amine and a potent antioxidant. OBJECTIVES: The aim o...