Un rifugio antiatomico: una soluzione adottata in Germania per elettrosensibili
In questo articolo si riporta questa esperienza già avviata in un bunker antiatomico in Germania, a Künzeller , 70 Km a Nord-Est di Francoforte, dove Ulrike; ES 44-enne pensionata per invalidità (Nota bene) in condizioni di malattia gravi, dopo un agiornata ha trovato molto giovamento scomparendo tutti i disturbi e con buona qualità del sonno. http://mowo-flieden.jimdo.com/ sachlage/ehs-kranke-im-k%C3% BCnzeller-bunker/ It almost seems like a cone meeting at, in the basement of Künzeller community center near Fulda. The former nuclear bunker was rebuilt after the end of the Cold War to the veritable bowling alley. But an advantage was use, because the basement is still radiate safely. And that is the real reason that has led very different people to pull for four days in a nuclear bunker. After all participants have the same problem: they are