Lettera Aperta a Papa Francesco

Il coordinamento europeo e IEMFA hanno scritto una lettera aperta molto completa e che richiede un intervento del Papa, facendo riferimento alle sacre letture.

Qui sotto trovate copia della lettera che consta di ben 18 pagine e che secondo me è un capolavoro.

Ci chiedono di farci parte attiva presso le late cariche della Chiesa per informare e supportare.

IEMFA forwards the following message from Julio Carmona:
Dear all
Within the European Coordination of organizations for a regulation of EMF exposure which truly protects public health, we developed a open letter to the Pope Francis on the occasion of the XXXI World Youth Day Krakow 2016. This letter invites the Catholic Church and their institutions to take action initiated by some of their congregations to protect the life of EMF exposure, in line with the Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’, proposing to adhere to European Manifesto in support of a European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) for a regulation of EMF exposure (which truly protects public health) by adopting the recommendations of the Resolution 1815 of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe into the institutions within their sphere of influence.
See the open letter to Pope Francis in Spanish and in English.
- This letter has been delivered to the Pope during the XXVI World Youth Day in Krakow (thanks to the mediation of Barbara Galdzinska of the Fundacja Instytut Badań Elektromagnetycznych Im. Jamesa Clerka Maxwella). It was also sent through the papal nuncios in different countries.
- We invited our organization to send a message to the papal nuncio in your respective countries in support of this open letter to the Pope. As an example, see messages sent in Spain (the Spanish and English versions) and France.
Please submit the messages sent to euro.coord.for.emf.regulation@gmail.com
We thank you for your collaboration!


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