Lettera al Papa Francesco

E' stata portata una lettera alla attenzione del Pontefice da parte di IEMFA e della deputata francese Rivasi durante gli incontri della gioventù della scorsa settimana.

La lettera è molto sintetica.
Si porta alla sua attenzione la grande preoccupazione circa il degrado dell'ambiente e della salute dovuti alla esposizione ai campi elettromagnetici
Nella lettera si fa riferimento ai mittenti che sono rappresentanti di tante organizzazioni e comitati presenti nelle varie nazioni.

Dr. Barbara Galdiznska-Calik of the Fundacja Instytut Badań Elektromagnetycznych Im Jamesa Clerka Maxwella (Maxwell Institute, Poland), a delegate to the public hearing sponsored by  European M.E.P. Mdme. Rivasi in Brussels last January, will participate in the 31st edition of the World Youth Day, an international Catholic event, being celebrated from July 25-31, 2016 in Kraków, Poland. Ms. Galdinska will deliver a letter addressed to Pope Francis  seeking his support for the the Precautionary Principle and electromagnetic radiation. She will try to deliver the letter directly to the Pope in the name of the "European Coordination of organisms for a regulation of EMF exposure," during a meeting with children in hospital.
Letter to The Pope
 The Church and the urgent protection of life against electromagnetic pollution. A desperate cry from Laudato Si' 
(Letter from civil society organizations to the Pope Francis, in favour of a precautionary regulation of the electromagnetic pollution, World Youth Day, Krakow, 26-31 July 2016) 
Dear Holy Father, Francis: 
We write to You to communicate to you our heavy concerns about the degradation of the environment and of health which results from exposure to artificial electromagnetic fields. 
We turn to You as members of various associations and citizen’s platforms i concerned about environmental exposure to electromagnetic fields (neighbourhood associations , environmentalists, consumers, parents, people affected by environmental diseases of central sensitization as electrosensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity, health advocacy against electromagnetic pollution, ...) in many countries. 


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