Sindrome di Havana ... non chiamatela elettrosensibilità!

 La scoperta (2016)  di una sindrome 'strana' che ha toccato il personale e famiglie americano della ambasciata americana all'Havana, Cuba, è stata attentamente tenuta separata alla sintomatologia, identica, di quella delle microonde, la elettrosensibilità.

Qualcuno l'ha ricondotta alla analoga sindrome di ca 50 anni fa presso il personale USA nella ambasciata di Mosca.  Come mai ?    Timidamente si è parlato di emissione di radiofrequenze direzionali fatte dai due paesi contro i palazzi USA. 

qui la pubblicazione 

El lun, 7 dic 2020 a las 9:57, A Tsiang (<>) escribió:

Scores of US embassy workers and CIA agents abroad have been mysteriously (invisibly) "attacked" since 2016 and have not recovered; some have retired early or are on disability for their illness.  They have what has been called "Havana Syndrome", which was first reported by US embassy workers in Havana in 2016, with symptoms of dizziness, fatigue, headaches, and loss of hearing, memory and balance, and then later in China and other countries)  After investigation, the conclusion by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, which included a committee of 19 experts in medicine and other fields, is that the "most plausible mechanism" for the attacks is “directed, pulsed radiofrequency energy”, a type of radiation that includes microwaves and wireless communications.  This is covered in an article by the NY Times that was just published December 5 
 (Please note there is a mistake in the NY Times article, where it said that cell phone radiation is not pulsed microwave energy, which is not true.  All wireless communications, which includes cell phones and Wi-Fi, are "pulsed".)   

Previous news reports of attacks in China and Cuba:

  • GQ in October 2020 published an article about injuries from microwave weapons to C.I.A. agents.  They suffered migraine headaches, vertigo, nausea, hearing problems, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), brain fog, inability to concentrate, vision problems, fatigue, and brain injury.  Neuroimaging studies showed that the patients’ brain connectivity was severely affected, especially in the cerebellum and brain networks that control auditory and visuospatial functions. Their volumes of white matter—the inner, deeper part of the brain—were significantly reduced. White matter is made up of axons, the delicate wiring of the central nervous system. The axons and their carefully arranged structure were damaged in people who had Havana Symdrome.  (Problem is that axons do not regrow or reconnect; if they break, they're broken.)
  • NBC in November 2016 reported  that 26 US government workers, consisting of diplomats, CIA officers, military and representatives of other agencies suffered injuries while in Cuba and China since 2016.  The symptoms were headaches, dizziness, anxiety, cognitive problems, sleep problems, and brain damage found via brain scans, similar to the effects of a concussion, even though the victims were not physically assaulted.  The U.S. government believed that the weapons used were most likely sophisticated microwaves.

The same thing happened over 50 years ago.  During the Cold War, the U.S. Embassy in Moscow had been bombarded by microwave radiation from the 1950s to the 1970s.   A study was done on the hundreds of exposed US embassy employees in Moscow by Lilienfeld et al, 1978 , which found that they had statistically significant higher rates of protozoal intestinal disease, psoriasis, skin conditions (cysts, dermatitis, eczema), eye problems, depression, irritability, difficulty concentration, memory loss, anemia, and ulcers compared to an unexposed US embassy group.

p. 156, Table 6.22:  Protozoal Intestinal disease, p = 0.001.  Benign Neoplasms, p= 0.04

p. 169, Table 6.27: Psoriasis, p=0.009.  Skin Conditions (cysts, dermatitis, eczema)  p = 0.04  Eye problems, p = 0.0002

p. 175, Table 6.31: Depression, p = 0.004.  Irritability, p = 0.009.  Difficulty Concentrating, p = 0.001.  Memory Loss, p = 0.008

p. 172, Table 6.29: Anemia, P = 0.03.  Ulcers, P = 0.04

The microwave radiation exposure levels that the US embassy employees were subjected to were far less, at least 100 times less, than the US FCC current limit of 1000 uW/cm2 for no more than 30 minutes :
1953-May 1975: Max. 5uW/cm2, 9hrs/day
June 1975 - 2-7-76: 15uW/cm2, 18hrs/day
Since 2-7-76: <1uW/cm2, 18hrs/day

  (By the way, this limit is increasing 4-fold, to 4000 uW/cm2, with no time limit, to accommodate higher radiation exposures from 5G devices and infrastructure, which was proposed in December 2019 - see paragraphs 127-8 of )

The National Academy of Sciences Report, commissioned by the US State Dept, just published December 6, 2020 can be found here

p.  2 of the report acknowledges that the symptoms that the US diplomats and CIA agents experienced - dizziness, headache, fatigue, nausea, anxiety, cognitives deficit, and memory loss- are consistent with symptoms from pulsed RF exposure

p. 11 reports that these symptoms came on suddenly with the attacks, and then became chronicL

Previously, JAMA published a study on the diplomats in March 2018.  , who experienced the following symptoms:  

  • 43% had MRI result finding of T2 hyperintensity (bright-foci) in the white matter, 
  • 76% had headaches, 
  • 57% had nervousness, 
  • 76% had memory problems, 
  • 71% had impaired concentration, 
  • 67% feeling cognitively slowed, 
  • 86% had sleep problems, and 
  • 67% had irritability.  



    National Academies of Sciences: Pulsed-microwave radiation likely caused brain damage in US Diplomats

    National Academy of Sciences in un documento ( commissionato dal Dipartimento di Stato degli Stati Uniti è stato rilasciato da un comitato di 19 esperti che citano "l'energia a radiofrequenza diretta e pulsata" è il "il meccanismo più plausibile" per spiegare la misteriosa malattia sofferta dal personale dell'ambasciata statunitense. Il New York Times descrive come il rapporto "fornisce la spiegazione più definitiva della malattia che ha colpito decine di impiegati governativi, prima all'ambasciata americana all'Avana nel 2016, e poi in Cina e in altri paesi. Molti degli ufficiali soffrivano di vertigini, affaticamento, mal di testa e perdita di udito, memoria ed equilibrio, e alcuni sono stati costretti al pensionamento permanente"


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