Incontro a Parigi di WHO/OMS su buoni esempi di gestione del rischio 'radiodrequenze'

WHO ha chiesto di incontrare interlocutori interessati al miglioramento delle politiche di gestione del rischio legato alle radiofrequenze.

E' un'opportunità per portare esempi CONCRETI (quindi non idee, visioni, 'sarebbe bello' ...) di esperienze in atto che possano essere valutate su questo tavolo tecnico.

Se si vuole partecipare occorre passare per WHO (vedere sotto).
Se invece si vuole dare un contributo scritto, possiamo farlo tramitre Alex della associazione europea di associazioni no-elettrosmog IEMFA.


There will be the International Stakeholder Seminar on Radiofrequency Policies organized by the WHO and French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) Paris 5 June 2013, 9:00am - 5:30pm “Call for examples of good risk management practices”
Sissel chair and board member will be presenting the International EMF Alliance.

The main objectives of the stakeholder seminar are:

- To gather stakeholder suggestions on technical topics to be covered in the monograph that are relevant for the development of risk management practices.
- To exchange information on national risk management practices that have been adopted or are under consideration regarding the usage of RF-based devices and technologies based
on a WHO survey undertaken in late 2012.
- To discuss the rationale for and the impact of risk management practices in different countries.
· For this event you can make a presentation (ask WHO, but no later than 20 May 2013
· If you have the possibility to come please inform so we can have contact about possible common actions
WHO is unable to meet any costs involved in attending this seminar!


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