Il 'punto' sulla 5G
qui dal sito EMFields 15 th August 2017 5G Update There is currently a lot of concern being expressed on websites and emails about millimetre-waves (mm-waves) and 5G. It is very important to realise that these are not the same thing. 5G is a new, more technically advanced, version of the long-term-evolution (LTE) wireless communications system that effectively started with 3G. Over time it will use a variety of different carrier frequencies and modulations to transmit information. Some of these carrier frequencies will pass through buildings much more easily than others. All will be absorbed by living beings. The rollout of 5G will be done over a number of years. Suitable 5G carrier frequencies have different properties with some carrying data further being better at passing through walls and other obstacles, while others (mm-waves) can only be used over short direct distances but can carry vast amounts of information quickly (e.g. for downloading HD