Nuova WHO–ICNIRP Cancer Review: nessun rischio di cancro per l'uso del telefono cellulare

 Il 30 agosto hanno pubblicato una dettagliata revisione sistematica degli studi epidemiologici sulle radiofrequenze e sui telefoni cellulari, che conclude che ci sono poche prove per giustificare le continue preoccupazioni su un possibile legame con il cancro.

La revisione, commissionata dal Progetto CEM dell'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (OMS), è pubblicata sulla rivista Environment International.

Pochi giorni dopo, Ken Karipidis, l'autore principale, ha pubblicato un breve riassunto che funge da comunicato stampa per il manoscritto della rivista, che occupa 52 pagine dattiloscritte della rivista.

I telefoni cellulari non sono collegati al cancro al cervello, sSecondo un'importante revisione di 28 anni di ricerca

Al di là dei tecnicismi sulla metodologia utilizzata da questi ricercatori, soffermiamoci sul fatto che quasi tutti gli autori hanno fortissime relazioni e ruoli in ICNIRP.    

Quindi ICNIRP ha definito i limiti espositivi, ICNIRP ha rassicurato che sono sicuri per gli effetti termici (gli altri non esistono!).

OMS ha voluto riverificare quanto assicurato da ICNIRP chedendo ad un team di validi esperti di controllare la letteratura scientifica.  Questi da 5000 ca. lavori ne hanno individuato solo 63 dai quali, con una metaanalisi si deduce che ... non ci sono rischi.

Peccato che questi autori sono tutti notoriamente molto vicini a ICNIRP e quindi ben orientati allo assunto iniziale: < EMF non fanno male>! 

Evviva la scienza, la indipendenza della ricerca e della verità.


  1. Riporto la fote contestazione del leader della associazione russa sui CEM su quanto pubblicato e quanto enfatizzato da molti ...

    Russian National Committee for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection Chairman attacks WHO-commissioned review that claims no cellphone-cancer link

    A group of little-known scientists has claimed responsibility for all cases of cancer associated with exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. These scientists claim that possible, probable, and proven cancer from exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields does not exist and never can exist. Thus, responsibility for misleading consumers, industry, and healthcare systems lies with several specific authors.

    They made this conclusion based on an analysis of other people's articles, selected using a methodology not developed by them, using analysis criteria that they also did not develop. These scientists themselves are not known for their affiliation with scientific schools studying the biomedical effects of electromagnetism, their fundamental work in the field of biological effects of electromagnetic fields and hygiene is unknown. For an unknown reason, the scientists speak on behalf of the World Health Organization, whose employees remain silent and, in principle, do not have the authority (and competence) to make such categorical conclusions. As is well known, science has no categorical judgments, even geometry from the obvious Euclidean has become non-Euclidean, the theory of relativity has become relative. We do not discover "laws of nature", but only generalize what is known. The physical nature of the electromagnetic field has been and remains a subject of discussion, as well as human nature and the role of natural electromagnetism and electricity in it.

    The discussion of the carcinogenic potential of radio frequencies has become one of the topics of the international electromagnetic project after 1996, and we have repeatedly discussed this issue with the participants of the WHO project. I have been directly involved in discussions since 1997. Every specialist involved in experimental work using several species of animals, with volunteers, with hygiene and epidemiology understands how dangerous it is to make a categorical judgment "this exists" or "this does not exist". We all need to be very careful when meeting the statements of such authors who "know the answer" in such a complex area for research as the bioeffects of the electromagnetic field.

    Dr. Oleg A. Grigoriev

  2. Bevington Letter to Editor re: WHO systematic review of RF-EMF effects in human experimental studies of self-reported symptoms (WHO SR 8)

  3. qui di seguito la cronologia delle 'lettere all'editore' e risposte a seguito della pubblicazione.

    WHO-sponsored Systematic Review

    Karipidis K, Baaken D, Loney T, Blettner M, Brzozek C, Elwood M, Narh C, Orsini N, Röösli M, Paulo MS, Lagorio S. The effect of exposure to radiofrequency fields on cancer risk in the general and working population: A systematic review of human observational studies - Part I: Most researched outcomes. Environ Int. 2024 Sep;191:108983. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2024.108983.


    First letter and response

    Frank JW, Moskowitz JM, Melnick RL, Hardell L, Philips A, Héroux P, Kelley E. The Systematic Review on RF-EMF Exposure and Cancer by Karipidis et al. (2024) has Serious Flaws that Undermine the Validity of the Study’s Conclusions. Environment International, Vol. 195, 2025. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2024.109200.

    Karipidis K, Baaken D, Loney T, Blettner M, Mate R, Brzozek C, Elwood M, Narh C, Orsini N, Röösli M, Paulo MS, Lagorio S. Response to the letter from members of the ICBE-EMF. Environment International, Vol. 195, 2025. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2024.109201.

    ICBE-EMF. Scientific rebuttal to the misleading responses from Karipidis et al. on the ICBE-EMF critique of their systematic review on exposure to RF-EMF and human cancer. Jan. 15, 2025. Open access response:


    Second letter and response

    Di Ciaula A, Petronio MG, Bersani F, Belpoggi F. Exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields and risk of cancer: Epidemiology is not enough! Environment International,
    2025. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2025.109275.

    Karipidis K, Baaken D, Loney T, Blettner M, Mate R, Brzozek C, Elwood M, Narh C, Orsini N, Röösli M, Paulo MS, Lagorio S. Response to the letter from Di Ciaula et al. Environment International, 2025. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2025.109276.


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