Non esistono studi degli effetti in vivo, vitro, epidemiologici del 5G con segnale 'beam forming'


Un rapporto commissionato dalla Commissione globale per l'industria, la ricerca e l'energia del Parlamento europeo sottolinea la complessità del 5G e conclude che i suoi "modelli di propagazione imprevedibili potrebbero comportare livelli inaccettabili di esposizione umana alle radiazioni elettromagnetiche".

Ci sono state poche ricerche sugli effetti biologici o sanitari del 5G. Secondo EMF-Portal, un archivio che contiene più di 35.000 pubblicazioni sui campi elettromagnetici, dei 519 studi sul 5G, solo 14 sono stati studi medico-biologici (al 27 marzo 2023):

Un'analisi più approfondita, tuttavia, rivela che sebbene questi 14 studi abbiano utilizzato le frequenze portanti utilizzate nel 5G, solo quattro studi hanno modulato o pulsato il segnale come richiesto dal 5G e hanno utilizzato altre caratteristiche del 5G (ad esempio, beamforming, massive MIMO e phased array) che probabilmente influiscono sulla natura e sull'entità degli effetti biologici o sulla salute derivanti dall'esposizione a queste radiazioni.


ICNIRP Guidelines’ Exposure Assessment Method for 5G Millimetre Wave Radiation May Trigger Adverse Effects

Redmayne M, Maisch DR. ICNIRP Guidelines’ Exposure Assessment Method for 5G Millimetre Wave Radiation May Trigger Adverse Effects. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 202320, 5267. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20075267. Published March 27, 2023.

The current global roll-out of 5G infrastructure is designed to utilise millimetre wave (mmW) frequencies (30–300 GHz range) at data transmission rates in the order of gigabits per second (Gbps). This frequency band will be transmitted using beamforming, a new introduction in near-field exposures. The International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) has recently updated their guidelines. We briefly examine whether the new approach of the ICNIRP is satisfactory to prevent heat damage and other adverse bio-effects once millimetre wave 5G is included, and we challenge the use of surface-only exposure assessment for local exposures greater than 6 GHz in part due to possible Brillouin precursor pulse formation. However, this is relevant whether or not Brillouin precursors occur from absorption of either 5G or future G transmissions. Many significant sources conclude there is insufficient research to assure safety even from the heat perspective. To date, there has been no published in vivo, in vitro or epidemiological research using exposures to 5G New Radio beam-formed signals.
A report commissioned by the European Parliament’s Global Committee on Industry, Research and Energy emphasizes the complexity of 5G and concludes that its “unpredictable propagation patterns that could result in unacceptable levels of human exposure to electromagnetic radiation” (p. 6) [34]. This is challenging for those in standards organisations who need to prepare and incorporate exposure specifications suitable for 5G. This also affects standard-setting of how to undertake laboratory and environmental measurements. Hence, the report’s foremost recommendation is to increase long-term research and development to allow better understanding, measurement and control of exposures at mmW frequencies (pp. 27–28). Early approaches have been published on methods to evaluate these highly complex exposures in the environment [35,36] and in the laboratory [37].
Surface radiofrequency exposure assessments including mmW radiation are insufficient to ensure safety; there are several reasons assessment of SAab is also needed.
A real danger of the ‘expert’ assurances of a lack of risk is that they discourage the necessary research to evaluate risk properly. They may also discourage review of apparently outmoded/questionable approaches being taken in RF exposure standards.
Once the 5G mmW band is internationally operational, a significant proportion of the world’s population will be exposed to new hazards. The intensity and complexity of near-field exposure, such as when carrying a phone in a pocket or using it next to the head, will be different for 5G, and this is the first time mmW have been used for public telecommunications and the first time beamforming has been deliberately introduced for near-field use. Without research on the impact of near-field 5G, this global step is an experiment at the population level. Bearing this in mind, there is a vital and urgent need for targeted research and for a re-evaluation of the scientific relevance of the current RF human exposure standards’ basic approach and assumptions.


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