Riconosciuti gli effetti delle onde millimetriche (5G) su sistema endocrino

 Risultati molto importanti ottenuti da ricercatori del  Research Institute of Occupational Health, Moscow, Russia

Ratti Wistar maschi sono stati esposti a radiazioni 24 ore su 24 (250 μW/cm2) per 4 mesi. L'attività esplorativa degli animali (= capacità cognitiva) e le concentrazioni ematiche di ACTH e corticosterone sono state valutate alla fine di ogni mese di esposizione e 1 mese dopo l'esposizione. 

L'esposizione è stata effettuata da stazioni base 5G/IMT-2020 con uso simultaneo di canali radio con frequenze centrali a 3,6 GHz (n78 con larghezza di banda di 100 MHz), 28 GHz (n257 con larghezza di banda di 100 MHz) e 37 GHz (n260 con larghezza di banda di 400 MHz)....

L'esposizione cronica ha indotto cambiamenti nell'orientamento, nell'attività esplorativa e nello stato emotivo degli animali da esperimento. Questi cambiamenti sono stati rilevati a partire dal 3° mese di esposizione, ma non hanno raggiunto la soglia di significatività, e 1 mese dopo la fine dell'irradiazione, i processi di eccitazione e inibizione nel SNC sono tornati alla normalità. Le pubblicazioni frammentarie sulle reazioni comportamentali degli animali esposti ai CEM dei sistemi di comunicazione mobile, compreso il 5G, mostrano un quadro complesso con risultati contraddittori [9].

 Tuttavia, le dinamiche dei marcatori endocrini (ormoni dell'ipofisi e delle ghiandole surrenali) sotto l'effetto dei CEM dei sistemi di comunicazione mobile sono più definite. 

Abbiamo rilevato reazioni distinte del sistema neuroendocrino, in particolare dell'asse ipotalamo-ipofisi-surrene (livelli di ACTH e corticosterone) [10-12]. Pertanto, i nostri risultati suggeriscono che l'esposizione degli animali ai CEM a multifrequenza ha portato a cambiamenti di natura stressante del funzionamento dell'asse ipotalamo-ipofisi-surrene.

Status of the Neuroendocrine System in Animals Chronically Exposed to Electromagnetic Fields of 5G Mobile Network Base Stations
Perov SY, Rubtsova NB, Belaya OV. Status of the Neuroendocrine System in Animals Chronically Exposed to Electromagnetic Fields of 5G Mobile Network Base Stations. Bull Exp Biol Med. 2023 Jan 4. doi: 10.1007/s10517-023-05689-2.
We studied the biological effect of chronic exposure to multifrequency electromagnetic fields simulating the effects of 5G NR/IMT-2020 mobile communication systems. Male Wistar rats were exposed to 24-h radiation (250 μW/cm2) for 4 months. The exploratory activity of the animals and blood concentrations of ACTH and corticosterone were evaluated at the end of each month of exposure and 1 month after exposure. The results suggest that exposure to multifrequency electromagnetic field simulating the effects of 5G systems affected functional activity of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis and was stressful in nature.
The animals were divided into 5 experimental (exposure to EMF of 5G systems, power density (PD) 250 μW/cm2) and 5 control (sham exposure) groups (12 rats each). Exposure conditions: chronic experiment — exposure for 4 months (120 days; 24-h, 7 days per week) and 1-month (30 days) post exposure period (without irradiation). During exposure period, the animals of experimental groups were kept in radio transparent (plastic) cages. Exposure was carried out by 5G/IMT-2020 base stations with simultaneous use of radio channels with 3.6 GHz (n78 with 100 MHz channel bandwidth), 28 GHz (n257 with 100 MHz channel bandwidth) and 37 GHz (n260 with 400 MHz channel bandwidth) central frequencies....
Results  The results of testing during 4 months of EMF exposure and 1 month post exposure revealed a tendency to a decrease (inhibition) orientation and exploratory activity that has an oscillatory character. The maximum decrease close to the significant threshold was observed after 3 months of EMF exposure, whereas 1 month after the end of exposure, this parameter returned to normal. Significant decrease in exploratory activity (hole reflex) in comparison with control group (p<0.05) was revealed only after 2 months of EMF exposure.
The neuroendocrine system of rats responded to chronic 4-month EMF exposure by waveform changes of serum levels of ACTH and corticosterone. ACTH content had a tendency to increase after 3 months of the experiment (Fig. 1).
Changes in serum corticosterone content in exposed animals were more pronounced; significant differences from the control group were revealed after 1 and 2 months of exposure and the maximum increase was found 1 month after end of exposure (Fig. 2).
Chronic exposure induced changes in orientation and exploratory activity and emotional state of experimental animals. These changes were detected starting from 3rd month of exposure, but did not reach significance threshold, and 1 month after the end of irradiation, the excitation and inhibition processes in the CNS returned to normal. Fragmentary peer rewired publications on behavioral reactions of animals exposed to EMF of mobile communication system, including 5G, demonstrate a complex picture with contradictory results [9]. Nevertheless, the dynamics of endocrine markers (hormones of the pituitary and adrenal glands) under the effect of EMF of mobile communication systems are more definite. We revealed distinct reactions of the neuroendocrine system, in particular, the hypothalamic—pituitary—adrenal axis (ACTH and corticosterone levels) [10-12]. Thus, our results suggest that multifrequency EMF exposure of animals led to stressful by nature changes of hypothalamic—pituitary—adrenal axis system function.
The results obtained in the open-field test in combination with neuroendocrine system reactions reflect the certain functional state of animals, that can be considered as moderate stress. These changes, reflecting (judging by the response of the hypothalamic—pituitary—adrenal cortex axis), the stressor impact of EMF, were observed under multifrequency animals EMF irradiation (PD 250 μW/cm2) during modeling of 5G system influence.


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