FWA sigla che indica la connessione wireless da modem (5G) e stazione radiobase. Ericsson fa il punto

Il Mobility Report prevede inoltre che le connessioni globali di accesso wireless fisso (FWA) cresceranno più rapidamente di quanto previsto in precedenza. 
L'FWA - l'alternativa wireless alla connettività a banda larga via cavo per case e aziende - è uno dei principali casi d'uso iniziali del 5G, in particolare nelle regioni con mercati a banda larga non serviti o poco serviti.

Per quanto riguarda il 5G, tra luglio e settembre 2022 sono stati aggiunti circa 110 milioni di abbonamenti a livello globale, portando il totale a circa 870 milioni. Come previsto in precedenti rapporti, il 5G dovrebbe comunque raggiungere un miliardo di abbonamenti entro la fine di quest'anno, due anni più velocemente di quanto abbia fatto il 4G,

Si prevede che gli abbonamenti 4G a livello globale raggiungeranno un picco di circa 5,2 miliardi intorno alla fine di quest'anno. Si prevede che gli abbonamenti complessivi alla telefonia mobile raggiungeranno gli 8,4 miliardi entro la fine del 2022 e i 9,2 miliardi entro la fine del 2028.


- si conferma quanto previsto anni fa: le società di telefonia non si sono sentiti 'attaccati' dalla connessione a fibra ottica, sapendo che lo avrebbero cavalcato:  in quante parti si dirà che non ha senso economicamente fare il lavoro edili stradali per portare il filo fino al portone di casa?!   ecco qui la soluzione:  un bel (e potente) wifi che collega la più vicina stazioenradiobase (l' antenna) ed il modem di casa!

- notare che non è vero - come hanno detto le società di telefonia - che l'impatto globale di antenne calerà perché 5G sostituirà il 4G!   il 4G sta ANCORA crescendo ed il 5G qui riportano che sta entrando nel mercato ad una velocità doppia rispetto al introduzione del 4G !!!

STOCKHOLM, Nov. 30, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- 5G continues to scale faster than any previous mobile generation 5G mobile subscriptions expected to reach five billion by the end of 2028 Fixed Wireless Access forecast increased and now estimated to top 300 million connections within six years Global 5G subscriptions remain on track to top one billion by the end of this year, and five billion by the end of 2028, despite current and developing economic challenges in many parts of the world. The November 2022 edition of the Ericsson (NASDAQ: ERIC) Mobility Report also forecasts global fixed wireless access (FWA) connections to grow faster than previously expected. FWA - the wireless alternative to wireline broadband connectivity for homes and businesses - is one of the major early 5G use cases, particularly in regions with unserved or underserved broadband markets. Driven in part by accelerated FWA plans in India, and expected growth in other emerging markets, FWA is forecast to grow at 19 percent year-on-year through 2022-28, and top 300 million connections by the end of 2028. More than three-quarters of communications service providers (CSPs) surveyed in more than 100 countries currently offer FWA services. Almost one-third of CSPs are offering FWA over 5G, compared to one-fifth a year ago. Almost 40 percent of the new 5G FWA launches in the past 12 months have been in emerging markets On 5G itself, about 110 million subscriptions were added globally between July-September 2022, bringing the total to about 870 million. As forecast in previous reports, 5G is still expected to reach one billion subscriptions by the end of this year - two years faster than 4G did, following its launch. The statistic reinforces 5G as the fastest-scaling mobile connectivity generation. Key drivers include the timely availability of devices from multiple vendors, with prices falling faster than for 4G, and China's large early 5G deployments. North America and North East Asia continue to see strong 5G growth, with 5G subscription penetration in the regions expected to reach about 35 percent by end of 2022. Globally, almost 230 CSPs have launched 5G services to date, with more than 700 5G smartphone models announced or launched commercially. By the end of 2028, five billion 5G subscriptions are forecast globally, accounting for 55 percent of all subscriptions. In that same timeframe, 5G population coverage is projected to reach 85 percent while 5G networks are expected to carry around 70 percent of mobile traffic and account for all contemporary traffic growth. Fredrik Jejdling, Executive Vice President and Head of Networks, Ericsson, says: "Communications Service providers continue to deploy 5G and the momentum for Fixed Wireless Access is accelerating. Moreover, global mobile network data traffic is practically doubling every two years. As described in this edition of the Ericsson Mobility Report, service providers are taking actions to deploy the latest generation of energy-efficient radio hardware and software, increase the use of renewable energy sources, and operate site infrastructure intelligently to reduce the environmental impact." Global 4G subscription numbers also continue to rise, growing by about 41 million between July and September 2022. Global 4G subscriptions are expected to reach a peak of about 5.2 billion around the end of this year. Overall mobile subscriptions are expected to top 8.4 billion by the end of 2022, and 9.2 billion by the end of 2028. Most subscriptions are associated with smartphones. At the end of 2022, 6.6 billion smartphone subscriptions are estimated, accounting for about 79 percent of all mobile phone subscriptions The latest report also highlights the importance of reducing environmental impact. The telecommunications sector has a key role to play in addressing global sustainability goals, both by reducing its own emissions and through its potential to reduce carbon emissions across other industries. To reduce the environmental impact, the growing data traffic needs to be managed with smart network modernization combined with a balanced approach to network performance.  


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