Due monaci Francesi attaccano due ripetitori della telefonia ...


Due monaci di un convento nella regione del Beaujolais sono stati incriminati per essere stati colti in flagrante mentre tentavano di dare fuoco alle antenne 5G nella notte tra il 14 e il 15 settembre. Il convento sostiene che pensavano di proteggere la popolazione. 
Due monaci di un convento cattolico nella regione francese del Rodano sono stati accusati la settimana scorsa di aver attaccato torri cellulari per ostilità alla diffusione del 5G, AFP ha appreso il 21 settembre da una fonte giudiziaria. Secondo la procura di Villefranche-sur-Saône, confermando le informazioni del quotidiano regionale Le Progrès, i due uomini, di 39 e 40 anni, hanno ammesso di aver appiccato il fuoco a un primo pilone telefonico la notte tra il 14 e il 15 settembre a Saint-Forgeux, a nord-ovest di Lione. Il danno è stato limitato.

 Secondo Le Progrès, una portavoce del convento ha detto che è stato "un atto isolato e un errore giovanile". "Le onde sono molto dannose per la salute e hanno voluto agire per il benessere dell'umanità", ha detto al giornale.

Two monks charged with setting fire to 5G antennas
22 September 2021
(translated from French)
Two monks from a convent in the Beaujolais region of France have been indicted for being caught in flagrante delicto while attempting to burn down 5G antennas on the night of 14-15 September. The convent claims that they thought they were protecting the population. Two monks from a Catholic convent in the Rhone region of France were charged last week for attacking cell towers out of hostility to the deployment of 5G, AFP learned on 21 September from a judicial source. According to the Villefranche-sur-Saône public prosecutor's office, confirming information from the regional daily Le Progrès, the two men, aged 39 and 40, admitted setting fire to a first telephone pylon on the night of 14 to 15 September in Saint-Forgeux, north-west of Lyon. The damage was limited.
The following night, the two monks, from a convent in the Beaujolais region, were arrested in flagrante delicto by the gendarmes while attempting to set fire to an antenna in another commune, in Ancy.
They wanted to act for the well-being of humanity
Placed in police custody and then presented to an investigating judge, they admitted the facts, explaining that they had acted "to protect the population from the harmful effects" of 5G, Villefranche prosecutor Laëtitia Francart told AFP. The two monks were charged with "destruction and attempted destruction by incendiary means" and "criminal association" and placed under judicial supervision. They are part of a Capuchin community based at the Saint-François convent in Villié-Morgon, close to the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X movement, according to its website. According to Le Progrès, a spokeswoman for the convent said it was "an isolated act and a youthful mistake". "The waves are very harmful to health and they wanted to act for the well-being of humanity," she told the newspaper.


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