Nuovi parametri per valutare il rischio da RF

Questo documento arriva da un'agenzia comunitaria:

The European Committee on Radiation Risk was formed in 1997 following a resolution made at a conference in Strasbourg arranged by the Green Group in the European Parliament.

Nel 2018 a fronte dei progetti industriali di implementazione del 5G hanno deciso di muoversi!

ECNRR The European Committee on Radiation Risk made the decision in September 2018 to set up a new committee of scientists and experts to investigate the issue of the health effects of non-ionising radiation. The proliferation in the last 20 years of devices generating significant amounts of Electromagnetic (EM) Radiation has been paralleled by studies showing a wide range of biological effects in animals and in isolated cells. Most recently, two major lifespan studies of rats have independently demonstrated that exposures to Radiofrequency EM radiations in the region employed by mobile phones, WiFi and other communication systems cause both benign and malignant tumours.

 No attempt has been made by any State organisation to regulate overall exposures; rather the emission characteristics of the individual devices have been capped by legislation.

The ECRR main committee noted a historic parallel with regulatory frameworks in the development of the use of ionising radiation, where eventually, following the deaths of hundreds of thousands of individuals from cancer, the concept of absorbed dose (rad, Gray, Sievert) was developed, and applied to regulatory limits of exposures. The current annual legal dose limit adopted by most western nations for members of the public is 1mGy or 1mSv. This level is tied to the estimate of cancer risk in those exposed, which is, in turn derived (inaccurately) from the Japanese A-Bomb studies.

The Nrad                                       

The committee, therefore, decided to define a similar quantity for non-ionising radiation and to name this quantity the Nrad or Non-ionising Radiation Absorbed Dose. One Nrad is an absorption of EM energy equal to 1 kJoule per kilogram of tissue.

Since the dose rate over one year which leads to cancer in the rat studies is known from the studies, it is a simple matter to use that information to assess risk to humans, and to choose a dose limit for exposure. The committee decided in November 2018 to advise on a regulatory provisional safe limit of 250nrads per year for adults and for children 7- 12 years 10-100Nrad linearly depending on their age. EMDose is a cumulative quantity and is assessed as a maximum or hotspot dose, not a kilogram integrated dose as is the case with ionising radiation.

Provisional nature of the dose limit

The ECNRR publishes this dose limit and its calculation and assessment in a first attempt to address what it sees as a serious and increasing public health danger which is not being regulated by State actors. It invites and welcomes inputs from all interested sources, including industry, stakeholders and current government risk agencies. On the basis of such inputs, and with regard to them, it will finalise its recommendations by May 2019.Contact:
Roland von Malmborg, Administrative Secretary, ECNRR, Stockholm, Sweden;

New limits for exposure to nonionising radiation

European Committee on Non Ionizing Radiation Risk ECNRR Dose limits for exposure to 4G and 5G radiofrequency cellphones, cellphone towers and other sources including proposed 5G.

The Annual and Daily Dose limits in Nrad and Nrep for cumulative exposures to Non Ionising radiations in the 2Gz and proposed 5G radiations were published today by the ECNRR. These limits for adults and children have been decided following an initial publication in December 2018 and a consultation period of 3 months. The rapid increase in Radiofrequency (RF) radiations in the environment and the proposed major increases associated with 5-G rollout in the near future represent a serious and unaddressed public health hazard. Citizens are exposed to radiations which have been now shown by hundreds of scientific studies to cause biological damage potentially resulting in cancer and developmental issues. This is a Human Rights  and Public Health issue and has now been addressed though the quantification of cumulative absorbed doses based on the Nrad or Non ionising radiation absorbed dose equal to 1kJ per kg of tissue. For radiations above 2GHz a weighting factor is applied based on the frequency of the radiation to provide the unit Nrep or Non Ionising Radiation Equivalent Person. Details are found in the Publication:

Prof Christopher Busby, Scientific Secretary of the ECNRR presents the new report here
(questo report è molto orientato ad una profonda revisione dei limiti ... una contrapposizione a ICNIRP. 


  1. La valutazione tecnica con il ns socio Dr Andrea Grieco:

    con la proposta dell'ECRR si passa da una valutazione istantanea, il SAR, ad una valutazione integrale, il Nrad.
    Il concetto alla base, mutuato dalla dosimetria delle radiazioni ionizzanti, è che il danno non è proporzionale alla dose istantanea assorbita ma alla quantità di energia totale assorbita.

    Il SAR si misura in W/kg, ed è l'energia assorbita da un kg tessuto ogni secondo. L'idea è che non conta ciò che è avvenuto, ma solo ciò che sta accadendo.

    Il Nrad invece è l'energia totale assorbita da un kg di tessuto. L'idea è che conta ciò che è avvenuto in passato.

    Il Nrep è il Nrad pesato su frequenze superiori a 2,0 GHz con un coefficiente proporzionale alla frequenza.


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