Più studi confermano che la resistenza agli antibiotici è legata anche alle radiofrequenze

Qui sotto ci sono i link a più studi pubblicati su riviste internazionali che concordano su: ...

"Oggi, il nostro mondo è circondato da enormi fonti di radiofrequenza come router Wi-Fi e computer portatili che possono portare a gravi problemi di salute. Quando qualcuno è infettato da un microrganismo che ha ottenuto la sua resistenza dall'ambiente ospitante (radiofrequenze!), provoca un grave problema per I sistemi sanitari:   il fallimento della terapia di base  o il ricevere un dosaggio più elevato di antibiotici saranno quindi possibili,  ma  questo può portare a più effetti collaterali e infine a prolungare l'ospedalizzazione ".

1.  In journal Bone & Joint Research there's this response to an article (note there's a references list at the end of the response, you might have to click "Show More" to see the references list):

"Recently, we have shown that exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMFs) can make microorganisms resistant to antibiotics.4 As the response of bacteria to different antibiotics after exposure to RF-EMFs is non-linear,5 any use of RF-EMFs on bacteria should be undertaken with caution. Therefore, any unjustified use of RF-EMFs in the management of infection can threaten our lives through induction of these adaptive phenomena."

2.  The article they're responding to is http://bjr.boneandjoint.org.uk/content/bjres/6/5/323.full.pdf
Non-contact electromagnetic induction heating for eradicating bacteria and yeasts on biomaterials and possible relevance to orthopaedic implant infections

3.  Full text of the article at Footnote 4 (in point 1. above) is: 
Evaluation of the Effect of Radiofrequency Radiation Emitted From Wi-Fi Router and Mobile Phone Simulator on the Antibacterial Susceptibility of Pathogenic Bacteria Listeria monocytogenes andEscherichia coli

(excerpt from Abstract)
"In this study, we assessed if the exposure to 900 MHz GSM mobile phone radiation and 2.4 GHz radiofrequency radiation emitted from common Wi-Fi routers alters the susceptibility of microorganisms to different antibiotics. ... Altogether, the findings of this study showed that exposure to Wi-Fi and RF simulator radiation can significantly alter the inhibition zone diameters and growth rate for L monocytogenes and E coli. These findings may have implications for the management of serious infectious diseases."

(excerpt from Results and Discussion)
"Nowadays, our world is surrounded by enormous radiofrequency sources such as Wi-Fi routers and laptop computers that can lead to serious health problems. When someone is infected with a microorganism that obtained its resistance from the host environment, it causes a serious problem for health-care systems and treatment failure or receiving a higher dosage of antibiotics will be possible. Therefore, this may lead to more side effects and finally prolonged hospitalization."

Based on our results, it can be concluded that the bacterial strains used in this study respond differently to EMFs. These bacteria were capable of responding to environmental stresses that act by activating some specific systems such as ion channels, change via the membrane, DNA repair system, and probably ion efflux pumps in the membrane as well as interactions of molecules and antibacterial agents.61 There are some ambiguities that need further investigations regarding answering questions such as which cellular mechanism is responsible for adaptation? Which factors are involved in alterations of antibacterial sensitivity? And subsequently, what are the differences in the response to radiation in gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria? Moreover, experiments on different bacterial strains with various electromagnetic fields should be performed in the future to better clarify these uncertainties."

-Barb Payne


  1. Mi arriva una altra segnalazione di un recentissimo lavoro (http://www.medical-hypotheses.com/article/S0306-9877(17)30171-8/fulltext?cc=y=) di Paul Doyon e di Olle Johansson in cui si ipotizza Quindi, si ipotizza che le esposizioni a campi elettromagnetici hanno il potenziale per inibire la risposta del sistema immunitario mediante un eventuale aumento patologico dell'influenza di calcio nel citoplasma della cellula, che produce una produzione patologica di specie di ossigeno reattivo ma anche può avere un effetto inibitorio sul calcineurin. L'inibizione della calcineurina porta all'immunosoppressione, che a sua volta porta ad un sistema immunitario indebolito e ad un aumento dell'infezione opportunistica.


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