Progetto Interphone, confermata la rilevanza statisticamente significativa tra tumori e cullelari
Arriva una rianalisi del poderoso lavoro internazionale 2000-2004 con conclusioni determinanti,
sulla rivista top della epidemiologia
Amarican Journal of Epidemiology, che sarà pubblicato ad inizi 2017.
Tutto si basa sullo uso delle conclusioni dello studio delle parole usate nelle prime formulazioni delle conclusioni (che furono 'sparate' dalle società di telefonia, TV, ISS come negazioniste di danni per l'uso del telefono cellulare) ... ma si conferma un più alto rischio nel associazione tra lunghezza delle telefonate, frequenza delle telefonate e tempo cumulato al telefono.
Se poi, aggiungo io, è stato considerato ALTO USO il valore di 1640 ore in 10 anni (che vuol dire 27 min al giorno) capiamo che molti degli utenti rientrano in questa casistica.
The Interphone study included 13 countries during the study period 2000 – 2004. The major results were published after a delay of 6 years in 2010. In a new publication 12 years after the study period, the intracranial distribution of glioma in relation to radiofrequency (RF) radiation from mobile phones was analyzed. Tumour localization for 792 regular mobile phone users was analyzed in relation to distance from preferred ear for mobile phone use……. The first part although correct is misleading. The correct statement would be that the risk was highest for glioma closer to the ear as would be expected based on the exposure to RF radiation. The last sentence should have indicated that although not statistically significant, the risk was highest in the group with longest duration of phone use, highest cumulative phone use and number of calls. This is a pattern one would expect if there is an association between mobile phone use and glioma…….A similar tendency to not correctly downplaying the association is found in the abstract: ‘The association was independent of the cumulative call time and cumulative number of calls.’ Since many persons read only the abstract, as also presented in PubMed, correct presentation of the results including αs and 95 % CIs would have been more relevant. …… The correct interpretation of this study is simply that it confirms an increased risk for glioma associated with mobile phone use.
sulla rivista top della epidemiologia
Amarican Journal of Epidemiology, che sarà pubblicato ad inizi 2017.
Tutto si basa sullo uso delle conclusioni dello studio delle parole usate nelle prime formulazioni delle conclusioni (che furono 'sparate' dalle società di telefonia, TV, ISS come negazioniste di danni per l'uso del telefono cellulare) ... ma si conferma un più alto rischio nel associazione tra lunghezza delle telefonate, frequenza delle telefonate e tempo cumulato al telefono.
Se poi, aggiungo io, è stato considerato ALTO USO il valore di 1640 ore in 10 anni (che vuol dire 27 min al giorno) capiamo che molti degli utenti rientrano in questa casistica.
The Interphone study included 13 countries during the study period 2000 – 2004. The major results were published after a delay of 6 years in 2010. In a new publication 12 years after the study period, the intracranial distribution of glioma in relation to radiofrequency (RF) radiation from mobile phones was analyzed. Tumour localization for 792 regular mobile phone users was analyzed in relation to distance from preferred ear for mobile phone use……. The first part although correct is misleading. The correct statement would be that the risk was highest for glioma closer to the ear as would be expected based on the exposure to RF radiation. The last sentence should have indicated that although not statistically significant, the risk was highest in the group with longest duration of phone use, highest cumulative phone use and number of calls. This is a pattern one would expect if there is an association between mobile phone use and glioma…….A similar tendency to not correctly downplaying the association is found in the abstract: ‘The association was independent of the cumulative call time and cumulative number of calls.’ Since many persons read only the abstract, as also presented in PubMed, correct presentation of the results including αs and 95 % CIs would have been more relevant. …… The correct interpretation of this study is simply that it confirms an increased risk for glioma associated with mobile phone use.
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