Dichiarazione di Bruxelles 4/9/2015

In assenza di reazioni all'appello dei 190 scienziati del maggio us (vedere qui)

23 di questi hanno prodotto una dichiarazione rivolta direttamente a WHO perché urgentemente inserisca i codici relativi a EHS e MCS nel prossimo ICD in via di pubblicazione.

From: Sarra Selatnia <sselatnia.artac@gmail.com>
Objet: 2015 International Scientific Declaration on EHS and MCS / Déclaration Scientifique Internationale sur l’EHS et le MCS 2015
Date: Sept 4 2015 
Following the fifth Paris Appeal congress, which took place on the 18th of May, 2015 and focused on environmental hypersensitivities, the attending European, American and Canadian scientists unanimously decided to create a working group and to write a Common International Declaration to request an official recognition of these new diseases and of their sanitary consequences worldwide.
The declaration calls upon national and international bodies and institutions and particularly the WHO, for taking urgently their responsibility for recognizing electrohypersensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity as real diseases, including them in the International Classification of Diseases.
This International Declaration also asks national and international institutions to adopt simple precautionary measures of prevention, to inform populations and requires the appointment of real independent expert groups to evaluate these sanitary risks in total scientific objectivity, which is not the case today.
(Attached) Brussels International Scientific Declaration : www.appel-de-paris.com

For the Scientific Committee of the Paris Appeal Fifth Congress:
Pr. David Carpenter, MD (USA)
Pr. Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD (Sweden)
Pr. Dominique Belpomme, MD, MS (France


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