A New York proposta di legge di mettere segnali sulla presenza di wifi

Interessante iniziativa nella Contea Nassau (1,5 milioni di abitanti) di New York di imporre che ci siano delle segnalazioni dove sono presenti router (antennine) del wifi, allo interno dei palazzi del Comune.
Tutto ciò per informare sia i dipendenti che il pubblico della presenza di queste sorgenti di esposizioni elettromagnetiche

Legislation eyed for Wi-Fi warnings in county buildings
Justine Schoenbart, The Island Now, Jul 23, 2015
Nassau County Legislator Delia DeRiggi-Whitton announced last Tuesday that she is proposing a bill that would place visible warning signs in all county buildings and facilities where a wireless router is located. “It’s about keeping our employees and the pubic safe, protected and informed to make choices about exposure  to radiation which may negatively affect their health and the health of their child..” DeRiggi-Whitton said. In addition to protecting safety, DeRiggi-Whitton said she is concerned about the potentially harmful radioactive waves that are transmitted from these routers.
She said she has worked with a Port Washington-based environmental group, known as Grassroots Environmental Education, regarding the dangerous risk.
“There is enough research data out there that should give people a pause about the radiation that is produced by wireless routers.  While working with Grassroots Enviormental Education, I decided to join their campaign and suggest that Nassau County begin bringing real attention to the possible health issues that can occur due to over exposure to such potentially technological toxins,” DeRiggi-Whitton said.
The proposed legislation calls for the installation of signage in all Nassau County buildings 90 days after the passing of the bill.
Additionally, it calls for immediate signage with every new wireless router installation.
This new signage would allow those in county buildings to make their own determination as to whether they want to risk exposure, DeRiggi-Whitton said.
”While Wi-Fi routers are fitted in most home and offices these days, more and more they are being placed behind walls and out of sight making it difficult for someone such as a pregnant woman who might want to limit her exposure to these rays to be able to,” DeRiggi-Whitton said. “This bill would at least offer those women the peace of mind that when they enter a county facility here in Nassau that they will be warned so they can take the steps they feel are appropriate to keep themselves and their baby safe.”
Deriggi-Whitton’s 11th Legislative District includes East Hills, Flower Hill and Roslyn.


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