Il Comune di Los Angeles ha stoppato un progetto di installazione di antenne sul tetto delle stazioni dei vigili del fuoco

Dopo la ferma presa di posizione della associazione dei vigili del fuoco americani, ed in particolare di Los Angeles, essi sono riusciti a convincere il Consiglio Comunale di questa metropoli di bloccare il progetto di installazione di oltre 80 stazioni radiobase sui tetti dei vigili del fuoco ( e in prospettiva anche su quelli della polizia locale).

Bulletin 14-15 Unanimous City Council Vote to Suspend         LA-RICS Cell Tower Project
For several years now, the Los Angeles Regional Interoperable Communications (LA-RICS) Joint Powers Authority has been planning an interoperable communications program for public safety agencies in the Los Angeles region.  This project included the placement of as many as 34 cell towers at LAFD fire stations  and the United Firefighters of Los Angeles  City (UFLAC)  made our opposition to LA-RICS well known throughout the process.
Today, we are proud to tell you that t he Los Angeles City Council took  a unanimous 12 to 0 vote mandating that the LA-RICS Joint Powers Authority immediately stop all plans to construct cell towers at LAFD fire stations and reassess the project. This is a huge win for our members and the communities that we serve.

U FLAC would like to give  thanks to our brothers and sisters at Los Angeles County Fire Local 1014. Their strong opposition to the LA-RICS project helped to protect  our Firefighters and community by convincing the LA County Board of Supervisors to suspend the placement of cell towers on LA County fire station properties . We also give special thanks to LA City Councilman Mitch Englander, who had the courage to put forward the City of  Los Angeles motion today to suspend  the project in our City. Finally,  we want to thank the  UFLAC members who took the time to come to City Council today to support our efforts. Your presence was felt and made a tremendous difference.


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