Uno studio tedesco estensivo conferma cancro nel ratto per EMF

Questo importante articolo a conclusione di una ricerca ampia fatta dalla università tedesca di Bremen conferma in vivo su ratti la presenza di cancro al polmone e al fegato di ratti esposti a vari livelli di radiofrequenze, comunque a valori tipo 0,4 W/Kg (SAR)  quindi ben inferiori ai limiti  2 W/Kg     .

NB confrontate questo valore con quello del vostro cellulare ...

Journal: Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
Available online 6 March 2015
In Press, Accepted Manuscript


• Tumor-promoting effects of RF-EMF exposed mice have been reported in 2010.
• We have replicated the study with higher numbers of mice per group.
• We could fully confirm the previous results, thus the effects are reproducible.
• Apparently, no clear dose-response relationship is evident.
• We hypothesize that metabolic changes are responsible for the effects observed.

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Tumor promotion by exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields below exposure limits for humans
  • a Department of Life Sciences and Chemistry, Jacobs University Bremen, Campus Ring 6, D-28759 Bremen, Germany
  • b Department of Psychology and Methods, Jacobs University Bremen, Campus Ring 1, D-28759 Bremen, Germany
  • c Chair of Electromagnetic Theory, University of Wuppertal, Rainer-Gruenter-Str. 21, D-42119 Wuppertal, Germany
Received 19 February 2015, Accepted 25 February 2015, Available online 6 March 2015


The vast majority of in vitro and in vivo studies did not find cancerogenic effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF), i.e. emitted by mobile phones and base stations. Previously published results from a pilot study with carcinogen-treated mice, however, suggested tumor-promoting effects of RF-EMF (Tillmann et al., 2010). We have performed a replication study using higher numbers of animals per group and including two additional exposure levels (0 (sham), 0.04, 0.4 and 2 W/kg SAR). We could confirm and extend the originally reported findings. Numbers of tumors of the lungs and livers in exposed animals were significantly higher than in sham-exposed controls. In addition, lymphomas were also found to be significantly elevated by exposure. A clear dose-response effect is absent. We hypothesize that these tumor-promoting effects may be caused by metabolic changes due to exposure. Since many of the tumor-promoting effects in our study were seen at low to moderate exposure levels (0.04 and 0.4 W/kg SAR), thus well below exposure limits for the users of mobile phones, further studies are warranted to investigate the underlying mechanisms. Our findings may help to understand the repeatedly reported increased incidences of brain tumors in heavy users of mobile phones."


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