Israele : l'Alta Corte ha ordinato alla Stato Israeliano di spiegare perché Wifi nelle scuole

A valle della causa intentata dalla associazione National Parents Leadership, the Sane Cellular Forum and others, il giudice della Alta Corte ha imposto allo Stato (Ministro della educazione)  di motivare la sua scelta di spingere la diffusione del wifi nelle scuole, nonostante che , a parole, aveva sostenuto la necessità di attuare un processo prudente ...

Pare che ormai tutte le scuole siano coperte da questa tecnologia.

Sono già riportati disturbi neurologici e quindi scioperi e proteste dei genitori senza che il Ministero reagisca. 


Interessante è l'approccio dei giudici :  < perché ? quali sono le valutazioni seguite ? ...>

Press Release of the National Parents Leadership 23.4.14

Press release - High court Wi-Fi lawsuit  National Parents Leadership vs. the Ministry of Education

The high court ordered this morning to the State, to explain why they won't act to deploy wired networks in all schools in the country and stop using Wi-Fi networks in the frame of the computerized curriculum

The decision was given by judges Gronis, Naor and Meltzer, in a lawsuit filed by the National Parents Leadership, the Sane Cellular Forum and others by lawyer Michael Bach, against the Ministry of Education.

The basis of the lawsuit was the argument that the Ministry of Education adopted for the outside impression expert opinions who determined that WiFi radiation endangers especially the health of children, who are especially sensitive to radiation.

The Ministry of Education wrote in different documents filed to the court, about how they see themselves committed to children's health and therefore they must act according to the precautionary principle and to deploy wired networks in schools. 

But words and actions are two different things. In practice, the Ministry of Education pushed massively thousands of wireless networks into schools all over the country, while exposing the children to risk in contrast to the presentation to the outside.

In the previous meeting, the high court asked to receive data, and from the data that were given by the Ministry of Education it turned out that 75% of schools have Wi-Fi, and the plaintiffs estimate that the rate is even much higher.

During the last months many children started complaining on headaches, dizziness, nauseas and more, that became stronger when the radiation was activated in schools, and disappeared when they were not in schools.

In different schools there were demonstrations of the parents, school strikes, and classrooms were separated to pupils who did not agree to be exposed to radiation, and studied with books, and those who studied with the computers program.

The computers program is blessed and important pedagogically, but needs to be done with cables or optic fibers, that will improve it, since with optic fibers the surfing is quicker and better.

This way, both progress will be achieved and the interest to keep the children healthy.
Today the high court gave a conditional injunction which has a very significant saying, according to which, if the State does not convince the court otherwise, there is a place to accept the petition.


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