Nuovo studio afferma la pericolosità doppia nello uso del cellulare da parte dei bambini

Questo studio è riportato, con la giusta enfasi, da un giornale canadese 'popolare' (ved sotto) .  
Lo studio è  stato pubblicato sulla rivista  Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine da parte di tre ricercatori del Environmental Health Trust (EHT).
Il giornale ricorda che il Health Canada , l'agenzia governativa canadese per la tutela della salute, ha lanciato un 'warning' in questo mese rivolto agli adulti al fine che  esercitino un controllo sull'uso da parte dei bambini dei dispositivi wirelesss, cellulari innazitutto.
Si ricorda che il WHO (OMS) ha in Maggio classificato le radiofrequenze come possibili cancerogene.

cell phone kid
A new scientific article on cellphone safety indicates that children absorb twice as much microwave radiation from phones than adults do.
OTTAWA - Kids' brains absorb twice as much cellphone radiation than adults, according to a new scientific report published in a medical journal and released exclusively to QMI Agency.
A new scientific article on cellphone safety was published Monday in the journal, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine.
According to the report, children absorb twice as much microwave radiation from phones than adults do and cellphones carried in shirt or pant pockets exceed guidelines set by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which determines exposure guidelines in the United States.
The paper was written by three team members at Environmental Health Trust (EHT) - a group of health professionals who educate people on environmental contaminants.
The release of this scientific report comes just after Health Canada issued new advice to parents this month about cellphones.

The national health agency said parents should "encourage" but not "urge" kids under 18 years of age to cap cellphone use.

"It's a welcomed step," EHT's president Devra Davis said. "They can certainly go further to provide more protection to the most vulnerable."
In May, the World Health Organization classified all radiation emitted by wireless devices as possibly carcinogenic, but Health Canada says there is no immediate cause for concern about cellphone safety.
The health agency has maintained the science behind the classification was "inconclusive" and more research is needed.
Scientists believe children are particularly at risk to this form of radiation because their bodies are smaller and their skulls are thinner.


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