Tribunale del Lavoro spagnolo riconosce l'elettrosensibilità

La Corte spagnola ha dichiarato elettrosensibilità e fatica cronica come inabilità permanente alla attività lavorativa in una causa avviata da un professore.

Ha deciso che gli venisse riconosciuto il 100% del suo stipendio.

Hypersensitivity to the waves produced by mobile phones becomes a new cause of permanent disability.

Spain, September 2011 .- This has been ruled by the Labour Court to declare Madrid 24 permanent incapacitation of a college professor who suffered from chronic fatigue and environmental and electromagnetic hypersensitivity. The ruling is unique in this regard and make a precedent for future conditions related to hypersensitivity to these waves. The verdict was issued on 23 May and gave the teachers 100% of his base salary, which amounted to 1640.80 euros.

Team Assessment of the Social Security disability (EVI), recognized in clinical diagnosis: chronic fatigue syndrome, celiac disease, fibromyalgia syndrome and environmental electromagnetic hypersensitivity, yet they dismissed the patient's disability.

The Labour Court in Madrid again puts into question the criteria for the granting of this degree by the provincial leadership of the national institute, and recognizes the rights of the applicant stating that presents enormous problems for the performance of their tasks " with appropriate level of professionalism and performance. "

Legal Medical Group would like to echo this statement pioneer in the defense of those who are entitled to a permanent disability pension, and upholds the spirit of not giving any circumstances for lost, when there is sufficient medical and legal basis. Legal Medical Group is a pioneer in the defense of those who apply for disability, accident or illness, advising them from a technical point of view, medical and legal since 1978.


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