Interessante lavoro di ricercatori della Università di Verona che hanno verificato l'effetto sulle piastrine del sangue posto visino ad un telefono cellulare. L'effetto c'è aumentando il volume delle piastrine. Acute effects of 30 minutes of exposure to a smartphone call on in vitro platelet function Lippi G, Danese E, Brocco G, Gelati M, Salvagno GL, Montagnana M. Acute effects of 30 minutes of exposure to a smartphone call on in vitro platelet function. Blood Transfus. 2016 May 6:1-5. doi: 10.2450/2016.0327-15. [Epub ahead of print] Abstract BACKGROUND: Significant concerns are now regularly raised about the safety of excessive mobile phone use. This study was aimed to assess the acute effects of radiofrequency waves emitted by a commercial smartphone on platelet function. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two sequential citrated blood samples were collected from 16 healthy volunteers recruited from laboratory staff. The first sample was placed in a plastic rack, 1...