Ricerca governativa US da 25 milioni di $ trova relazione di tumore e cellulare nei ratti

Lo studio è stato proposto dall'ente governativo americano NTP National Toxicology Program nel 2001 e realizzato con un finanziamento di 25 milioni di USD .  I risultati di questo lungo progetto saranno a breve resi pubblici, ma le conclusioni sono state rese pubbliche.

E' stato pubblicato il documento e c'è stata una conferenza stampa il 27 us.

Qui un commento di Joel M. Moskowitz

ovvero se 1 su 15 ratti maschi sottoposti a bassa intensità 1,5 W/Kg (e con la somministrazione di RF non localizzata ad es. al orecchio - cervello) si è beccato un tumore ... le conclusioni sono di 'basso impatto' ?!  

After the call, I calculated the overall risk for the male rats in the group exposed to the lowest intensity of cell phone radiation (i.e., 1.5 watts/kilogram or W/kg).  Twelve of 180, or one in 15 male rats in this group developed cancer or a pre-cancerous lesion. This latter finding has policy implications as the FCC's current cell phone regulations allow cell phones to emit up to 1.6 W/kg at the head or near the body (partial body SAR).

Microwave News: $25 million study finds cell phone radiation causes cancer in rats
Microwave News reports today that the $25 million dollar study conducted by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) has found that exposure to cell phone radiation caused cancer in rats.  See Microwave News for more details.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization should now have sufficient evidence to raise the classification of radiofrequency radiation from "possibly carcinogenic" (Group 2B) to "carcinogenic" (Group 1).

The findings of this laboratory study parallel the results of numerous epidemiologic studies in humans which have found that long-term heavy cell phone use increases the risk of brain cancer (or glioma), a malignant tumor in glial cells, and acoustic neuroma, a nonmalignant tumor in Schwann cells in the brain. In the rats, however, the affected Schwann cells were in the heart.

The study was proposed by the NTP in 2001. This long-awaited study is the only research on cell phone radiation health effects that our federal government has conducted since the 1990's. The government should release the study results soon.

Rats and mice were exposed to two second generation (2G) cell phone technologies which are still used for voice transmission. Both 2G technologies caused tumors in rats, but not in mice.

2G technologies will soon be obsolete because cell phone companies in the U.S. are planning to use 4G LTE for voice transmission. However, recent research on 3G and 4G suggests these technologies, in spite of their lower power densities, may be more risky than 2G.

The human studies showing increased risk of glioma and acoustic neuroma are listed in the references to my recent post, "Should Cellphones Have Warning Labels?" (Wall Street Journal).


Also see:

Government Failure to Address Wireless Radiation Risks




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