Risposta di L Hardell e R Nyberg al Commissario per la Salute della UE dopo la posizione negazionista espressa.

L'appello dei 190 scienziati per un alt al processo di implementazione del 5G è stato inviato anche al Commissario della UE per la Salute.

La posizione espressa il 13.10.17 da un suo collaboratore (non da lui - non aveva tempo oppure non gliene frega niente ?! -) è ripetitivamente, ottusamente  negazionista. Ribadisce che le commissioni ICNIRP e SCENIHR confermano che la esposizione ai campi elettromagnetici non rappresenta un rischio alla salute!  Nel rispetto dei limiti (famosi) ...

Lennart Hardell e Rainer Nyberg hanno quindi chiesto al Commissario se la opinione del suo ... staff rappresenta anche la sua personale opinione.
Hanno riportato la posizione opposta del  gruppo Bioinitiative, di ECERI [che vorrebbe, dovrebbe essere la aggregazione opposta di ICNIRP] , che la posizione di ICNIRP è sempre in difesa delle posizioni della industria,  ma di tenere conto di quanto prodotto da IARC (WHO) che ha classificato le EMF come probabili cancerogeni
Giustamente sottoliena che l'appello dei 190 scienziati era supportato da una letteratura (quindi dandone  una valenza scientifica) a differenza della 'letterina' dell'uomo del Commissario !

Concludono proponendo che un organismo tecnico TERZO dovrebbe essere incaricato per valutare il tasso di rischio degli EMF e della nuova tecnologia in arrivo.

Che succederà ?!
Speriamo in qualche 'deus ex machina' che aggiusti questo nostro mondo !!!


To EU Commissioner of Health Dr Andriukaitis  November 9, 2017

We suppose that you know that Director John F. Ryan, October 13, 2017 replied (Ares (2017) 5015409 - Reply) to the EU 5G-appeal, and that he said: ”There is consistent evidence that exposure to electromagnetic fields does not represent a health risk… if below the limits …” His conclusion is based on the opinions of ICNIRP and SCENIHRSince Mr. Ryan said he writes on your behalf, we now ask for your own opinion as the EU Commissioner of Health. Director Ryan’s letter is attached and also the ”Cover letter” of the EU 5G-Appeal, so you can see the whole appeal and the 180+ signatories.
On February 1, 2016, in a Comment on SCENIHR to Mr. Ryan it was shown by Drs. Carpenter and Hardell, representing BioInitiative and ECERI, that: ”The evidence in the SCENIHR Final Opinion on EMF clearly and convincingly establishes the potential for health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields [EMF]. Based on the evidence provided in this Opinion, the Committee is obligated to draw to the attention of the [EU] Commission that EMF is a new and emerging problem that may pose an actual or potential threat.” 
It seems to us that Mr. Ryan did not consider this 2015 article and the 5G Appeal, with a long list of compelling evidence and references under the headline: ”Harmful effects of RF-EMF exposure are already proven”. In addition, Mr. Ryan does not seem to note that the Appeal was signed and confirmed by more than 180 scientists and doctors, see the updated list of signatories.
In spite of all this, Mr. Ryan in his reply to us still continues to claim that EMF ”does not represent a health risk” and – without any other references than ICNIRP and SCENIHR – defends industry’s standpoint that EMFs are harmless if below the ICNIRP ”safety guidelines”. In addition he ignores the IARC evaluations on both ELF-EMF and RF-EMF to be ‘possible’ human carcinogens, Group 2B. Obviously not only statements by ICNIRP and SCENIHR, but also by IARC at WHO should have been considered. 
Because of the facts given above we cordially ask for your own opinion in this matter as the EU Commissioner of Health. Our 5G-Appeal and the conclusions with references (blue links) are well documented. You find the Appeal by clicking one of the seven language options in the attached ”Cover letter”. 
We appeal to EU to appoint a truly independent expert group of EMF-and-health researchers (contrary to ICNIRP and SCENIHR) to decide about new safe guidelines for EMF exposure. It is imperative to immediately apply EU:s Precautionary Principle (and ALARA) enabling rapid response to stop distribution of 5G products in order to diminish the harm that has already been proven by scientists. 
We mentioned in the 5G-appeal that we would make both the appeal and the response from EU publicly available. We have already done so and will also make your answer publicly available in the same way. Please read the Appeal and draw your own conclusions. We look forward to your answer no later than November 30, 2017.

Respectfully submitted

Rainer Nyberg Lennart Hardell
Rainer Nyberg   Lennart Hardell
EdD, Professor Emeritus   MD, PhD, Oncologist
Vasa, Finland     Örebro, Sweden


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