Presentati i risultati della ricerca del National Toxicology Program (USA): si evidenziano modifiche al DNA

... 'seconde' anticipazioni dei risultati del più grande e costoso progetto di ricerca finanziato sulla evidenzi azione degli effetti delle RF sulla salute, sono stati presentati giorni fa ad un congresso scientifico.

La sperimentazione è stata eseguita su topi e ratti ed, in sintesi, sono stati accertati dei danni cromosomici e danni al DNA ... e essi concludono che:  " la esposizione a RF ha il potenziale per indurre danni misurabili del DNA sotto certe condizioni di esposizione ..." 

I lavori saranno pubblicati completamente ad inizi 2018. Il progetto era stato richiesto e finanziato da FDA (Ministero per Alimentazione e Medicina americano) nel 1999.

Si va verso una sempre maggiore chiarezza !
Ora WHO cambierà la propria impostazione ?  oppure ICNIRP (che continua a spergiurare che gli effetti sono solo quelli termici) riuscirà a tenere bloccato il WHO ?!

Updated Sep 20, 2017

Scientists from the National Toxicology Program presented their data on the genotoxicity of cell phone radiation in rats and mice at the annual meeting of the Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society held in Raleigh, North Carolina from September 9-13, 2017.

Male and female rats and mice were exposed to 2G cell phone radiation, either CDMA or GSM, for 18 hours per day in 10 minute intervals. The rats were exposed to cell phone radiation at 1.5, 3, or 6 W/kg specific absorption rate (SAR) for 19 weeks from gestation day 5. The mice were exposed to radiation at 2.5, 5, or 10 W/kg SAR for 13 weeks from postnatal day 5.

DNA damage was assessed in three brain regions, in liver cells and in blood leukocytes using the comet assay. Chromosomal damage was assessed in peripheral blood erythrocytes using the micronucleus assay. 

DNA damage was significantly increased:

  • in the frontal cortex of male mice from either CDMA or GSM cell phone radiation exposure, 
  • in peripheral leukocytes of female mice from CDMA exposure, and
  • in the hippocampus of male rats from CDMA exposure.
There were no significant increases in micronucleated red blood cells in rats or mice. 

The authors concluded that, "exposure to RFR [radio frequency radiation] has the potential to induce measurable DNA damage under certain exposure conditions."

The NTP is scheduled to publish a complete report about its cell phone radiation studies in early 2018. The FDA called for this research in 1999.

Here is the abstract for this presentation.

Paper presented at annual meeting of Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society,
Raleigh, North Carolina, September 9-13, 2017.


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