Francia: le aziende debbono proteggere i dipendenti dalle onde elettromagnetiche

Novità del 1.1.2017
Le aziende debbono procedere con le misurazioni negli ambienti di lavoro cominciando dal wifi ...
I lavoratori debbono essere informati se ci sono ambienti dove i valori sono superiori a quelli limite.

Qui sotto si riporta la esperienza di una elettrosensibile francese che tuttora è a casa in malattia perché non si riesce a trovare nell'ambiente degli aggiustamenti per rendere la sua permanenza accettabile. E' un ingegnere ed ha perso sia ogni possibilità di realizzazione professionale che 2/3 del suo salario. Indicano in 70000 gli elettrosensibili in Francia.

French companies will have to protect employees from electromagnetic waves
(Google translation from French)
France Inter with Yann Gallic, January 1, 2017
This is one of the novelties of January 1: companies will now have to take into consideration the issue of electromagnetic waves to which employees are exposed
Measurement of electromagnetic waves using a broad-band isotropic probe. © Sipa / Valinco
These waves are emitted especially by wireless equipment: Wi-Fi, mobile phones or tablets. It took three years for this European directive to be applied in France. A decree, published on August 6 in the Official Journal , on the "protection of workers against the risks arising from electromagnetic fields," said the exposure thresholds that must not be exceeded.
The employer must assess the risks incurred by its employee
Employees should be informed of the risks and the workplaces where they are likely to be exposed to "electromagnetic field levels exceeding the values" should be reported to them and their access be limited. The results shall be communicated to the occupational physician and the health, safety and working conditions committee or, failing that, to the staff representatives and in the event of crossing the levels, workers may be given a medical examination.
Pregnant women and employees under 18 years of age will also receive special attention. Every effort should be made to ensure that the impact of waves is the lowest.
A first step for all employees "electrosensibles" 
Sophie Pelletier is an engineer and works in a public administration in the center of Paris. For six years she has hardly any working life. Electro diagnosed by doctors, it is now recognized as a disabled worker because his health has continued to deteriorate due to electromagnetic waves: "In the meeting rooms and wifi in the subway and public transportation , Throughout the week I accumulate this exposure which ends up echoing my general state, with great fatigue, and creates me troubles of the heart rhythm, memory and attention that prevent me to return to work When I'm too tired ".
Sophie Pelletier continues the sick leave. She has repeatedly requested that her position and working time be adjusted. But she has always run into the misunderstanding of her employer. "It's a disease that does not fit in the boxes," she explains, "it's complicated for the employer to arrange a number of things to allow me to keep myself properly in the job. 'I lost two thirds of my salary for several years and it annoys me because I put a damper on my career, or my health, or both at the same time.
According to estimates, in France, there are now nearly 70,000 people with électrosensibibilité.


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