I casi di tumore al cervello in Svezia sono aumentati o no ?

Ancora una volta si raccontano verità ... relative e non assolute.

Mentre da una parte

Joachim Schüz, a senior manager at IARC, is one of those who points to stable cancer rates as an indicator that cell phones are safe (see “IARC Tries To Play Down Cell Phone Tumor Risks”). Schüz was previously with the Danish Cancer Society and is a coauthor of the Danish cohort study that shows no increased cell phone–tumor risks.

ovvero si dice che non c'è un  incremento del numero di tumori al cervello mentre c'è stato un forte incremento nello uso del cellulare,
dall'altra andando a scavare sui numeri si vede che (Swedish National Board of Health (Socialstyrelsen):

C71 Malignant tumor in the brain1 3401 3391 3881 4341 3921 4251 4341 4571 4421 403
D43 Tumor of unknown nature in brain/CNS7237557817637747548868841 016968

... che effettivamente il numero totale non aumenta mentre aumenta notevolmente il numero di tumori al cervello di natura sconosciuta dai settecento ai mille !

Quale è la verità ? !



  1. Riporto qui una corrispondenza email con l'autrice dello articolo, che riporta le difficoltà in atto nella giornalista ....

    Thank you for your comments.

    In my opinion the most interesting aspects of my presentation are that it shows that there are obvious problems in the cancer registry data from Sweden and that it therefore cannot be used as an argument that mobile phones doesn’t increase the risk of mobile phones :

    1. there is a growing number of patients treated for brain tumors during the last 4 years that are probably not reported to the cancer registry since there is no corresponding increase there.

    2. The Swedish Cancer registry authority’s own investigation pointed to underreporting problems already in 2009 and was confirmed to me in 2011 in an interview with the person in charge of the issue at the authority.

    3. The difference between Gothenburg and Stockholm is mainly due to measures taken to improve the reporting of brain tumors back in 2005. This was due to the discovery by a medical doctor that many brain tumors was not reported to the registry. As a consequence there was a jump in the incidence around 2005 which is an effect of these steps that were taken to include also patients that did not underwent biopsy/pathological investigation.

    4. The increasing by time difference in incidence rates between Sweden and Denmark from a similar level 1995

    There is no difference of any importance for the incidence in age structure between Gothenburg and Stockholm region.

    Kind regards



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