l'Assemblea Nazionale francese ha votato una legge per imporre precauzione sui CEM

E' stata appena approvata una legge - qui le prime notizie giornalistiche -  , che introduce:

- trasparenza, coordinamento e dialogo per l'autorizzazione alla installazione delle antenne e stazioni radiobase , dando più poteri al comune
- bando dell' uso del wifi ad asili con bambini  fino a 3 anni di età
- valutazione se usare le connessioni via cavo nelle scuole
- pubblicità ai cellulari proibita per un target di età inferiore a 14 anni
- riconoscimento della elettrosensibilità,  individuazione di zone a basso inquinamento da CEM
- controllo più stringente sui limiti delle emissioni.

Ulteriori dettagli arriveranno a breve.

Laurence  ABEILLE , Member of the Val -de- Marne, ecologist Group
Press releaseFiling and consideration of a proposed new law on environmentalelectromagnetic waves
Paris, December 5, 2013
Laurence Bee filed today on behalf of an environmental groupproposed " Law on simplicity , transparency andconsultation on exposure to electromagnetic waves . "
This is a new version of the bill that had been "sent to committee" in its review on January 31 .
This new proposal incorporates the provisions of thetaking into account the previous work done since , andrecent reports ( those of ANSES or Copic particular).
The primary objective of this text is to enshrine in law a principlemoderation of exposure to electromagnetic waves , includingduring the installation of antennas . For these facilities,text provides for a conciliation procedure between the mayor,operators and residents.
Other provisions contained in the text: Regulation pointsatypical frame wifi , strengthening the rules onadvertising for mobile phones , application of a campaigninformation on the risks associated with waves or considerationelectro - hypersensitivity .
The text will be discussed in open session of the National Assembly inunder the leadership day of the environmental group January le23next .
The text will be saved and online in the coming days .
126, rue de l'Université75355 PARIS cedex 07 SPPHONE01 40 63 49 92EMAIL ADDRESSlabeille@assemblee-nationale.fr
Waves- "Everyone is exposed and on a very large scale"

While the National Safety Agency recommended to reduce exposure to electromagnetic waves BFMTV.com interviewed a member of the ANSES on the dangers of these waves .
Interview by Magali RanginThe 15/10/2013 at 20:52Updated on 15/10/2013 at 20:55

The national health agency  Tuesday recommended to reduce exposure to electromagnetic waves, mainly mobile phones, mainly mobile phones, even if the available scientific evidence does not establish a proven impact on health.
We interviewed Olivier Merkel , Head of the Evaluation Unit of the risk of physical agents.
Is the risk posed by electromagnetic fields growing?In the case of radio frequencies and devices that emit electromagnetic radiation, the intrinsic hazard of mobile phones is not proven. We know that radio frequencies have an effect on living organisms. What worries us and led to some recommendations of caution is that today, everyone is exposed and on a very large scale.
That is exposed to radiation from a mobile phone or a relay antenna is the same signal.
What will change is the exposure. When you have a mobile phone to your ear, you are exposed to a hundred times more than the environment.

Are mobile phones now more or less safe than previous generations?Devices evolve. SAR values ​​displayed are public. We can see that the mean values ​​change more or less. Phones found with low SAR. But there are still phones with high SAR .
But that is changing, especially , it is the behavior. Today, they are used to download over flow and therefore more exposure, but are used less ear. It also has over Wifi box it was 10 years at home. 
The exposure may be less important for some people, but more permanent . Hence our recommendations.

The subject is controversial among scientists?There actually are different views on the subject.  This is due to the fact that the risk levels are relatively low. And the uncertainty surrounding the realization of such epidemiological studies are still relatively high. The ANSES worked on all publications available.
Was put around the table to discuss all of these publications, experts differing opinions.
Ultimately the issue of brain tumors was confirmed the classification of IARC in 2011, possibly carcinogenic radiofrequency related to mobile phone use.
In light of all of the studies we reviewed, we can not exclude that there is a low risk. We could have a 20% increase in some cases of malignant brain tumors, such as gliomas, for larger users and long-term (over 10 years). But again , exposure situations evolve. In the early 2000s, a major user was someone who used his phone a little more than 30 minutes per day

French House passes bill to limit health risks from phones

Friday 24 January 2014 | 09:32 CET | News
France’s National Assembly has passed a compromise bill to limit exposure to electromagnetic emissions from cellular base stations and personal devices, despite opposition from conservative party UMP and telecom operators, reports La Tribune. The bill tabled by the Green Party a year ago, and drafted with the government and ruling socialist party, was described by environment minister Philippe Martin as a ‘first response’ to concerns about emissions. It will now go to the Senate.
The bill attempts to replace the so-called precautionary principle with the ‘sobriety principle’, given the general consensus that it is impossible to completely exclude the potential health risks, according to the Greens. The bill, which received unanimous support from the left, calls for several levels of consultation before equipment is installed and better information about sources of emissions. Operators would be given a 6 month deadline to reduce the emissions of “atypical” base stations where exposure is over 6 V/m, compared to the national average of 1 V/m.
It forbids advertising for tablets to under 14 year-olds, as was already the case for mobile phones, and advertising for handsets sold without an earpiece. If passed, operators will have to supply child-sized earphones if asked for them. Phones are by far the biggest source of emissions, according to national health security agency ANSES, which recommends using an earpiece to divide exposure to the brain by a fact of at least 10. The text also requires the government to co commission a study on electro-hypersensitivity, a condition affecting some people.
The UMP’s Laure de La Radiere denounced the bill as offering a “declinist vision of society”, which went against innovation and job creation. She also said that less densely populated areas of the country would be penalised in their access to fast broadband.
France will ban Wi-Fi in kindergartens as a precautiongoogle translation
EFE. PARISThe bill also includes French deputies limiting wifi in schoolsThe proposal also includes a ban on the advertising of mobile phones is directed to children under 14 years01/24/2014 at 06:01

The French deputies Thursday began debating a bill, supported by the Government, which among other things prohibit the installation of wifi in reception centers for children under three years, such as kindergartens, and limited use in schools as a precaution .
The wifi can only be turned on maternal education and primary schools' educational activities when warranted ", implying that they will have to be equipped with a device which allows easily shutdown, said Minister of Digital Economy, Fleur Pellerin .
In an interview published Thursday by "Le Parisien" Pellerin said it makes no sense to install wifi in centers that care for children under three years.
One of the most controversial points of the legislation, drafted by Rep. Laurence Abeille environmentalist , and endorsed by the Ministers of Digital Economy and Ecology, Philippe Martin , is setting a framework for the deployment of antennas for mobile phones and other telecommunications services .
Specifically, "the principle of moderation," which identifies three types of obligations for operators when installing your antenna is introduced : consultation and information from neighbors , transparency and "the re- absorption of outliers where emissions are above average."
The National Agency for Sanitary Safety (Anses) will identify black spots in terms of emissions ( it is estimated that a thousand in France , where there are 120,000 antennas), study how to control and verify that companies act to correct them.
The legislative proposal includes banning advertising of mobile phones can lead to under 14 and sets standards for the information that must be provided to purchasers of the waves they generate.
In parallel, campaigns to promote the use of hands-free devices and avoid possible long have the phone close to the head by potential hazards are expected .
The French Telecommunications Federation (FFT ) , speaking through its CEO , Jean -Marie Danjou , expressed its willingness to improve information and transparency, but criticized the way operators is presented .
"The work carried out in France for three years show that the level of exposure is 100 times lower than the standard of the World Health Organization (WHO ) ," said Danjou , who warned of the problems of the "principle of moderation" for his indefinite.
The industry representative stressed that, according ANSES, there is no proven risk in so-called blackheads and that - for lack of a formal demonstration of the increased uncertainty relates to the use of prolonged cell glued tohead.
Pellerin considered that investments in the sector are necessary because there is strong demand , but justified this regulation because the industry can not be the " Wild West " .
He also noted that fourth generation mobile , the antenna array emits less than 3G. Therefore, "when only a 4G network, that can be a factor in lower emissions ."
The Assembly adopted a compromise text on electromagnetic waves23 Jan 2014 9:47
The Assembly debated Thursday of a bill of compromise with the government for limiting exposure to electromagnetic waves, which is opposed by the UMP and telecom companies. Thomas Samson
A year after a "first-class burial" in the eyes of environmentalists, the Assembly on Thursday passed a bill compromise to limit exposure to electromagnetic waves , despite the opposition of the UMP and businesses telecoms.This environmentalist text , the result of a year of work with the Socialists and the government appears to be a " constructive compromise " and " first response " to concerns about the waves , praised the Minister of Ecology, Philippe Martin. It will now be considered in the Senate.The purpose of the bill is set in stone the principle of " simplicity " in wave exposure from mobile phones, wifi and antennas, not a "precautionary principle" cases as proposed environmentalists there one year. According to them, scientific studies "will all agree that we can not completely exclude the risk of" adverse effects on health.While relations between Socialists and EELV were shaken in recent months, government and MPs PS had to heart to insist on the "promise kept" not to abandon this project .Philippe Martin stressed the idea of ​​" balance rather than against industrial and environmental dimensions", in unison with the Minister to Digital Economy .A year after his warnings against " irrational fears " related to waves , Fleur Pellerin assured that " balance " proposal did not prevent " a real ambition ."Wifi banned in nurseries
Unanimously supported the left, the bill provides, among other consultation at various levels during the installation of radio equipment and better information on emission sources.It prohibits advertising for tablets for less than 14 years (at the risk of a fine of € 75,000 ) , as is already the case for mobile phones, and advertising for mobile phones sold without headsets. Operators must also offer kits compatible with the size of children's ears if the buyer requests it.The main source of exposure effect , according to the National Safety Agency ( handles ) , mobile phone and "far". Anses calls in general to "limit exposure of the population," especially heavy users and children, whose skull is thinner . The use of a headset divided exposure by at least a factor 10 .The text also requests the Government to report on the electro- hypersensitivity , these people intolerant to electromagnetic fields.UMP spoke against such "no health justification well established" and " penalize the less dense areas of the territory in access to high speed ."
Questions about the impact of the deployment of 4G
Contrary to the "clash of simplification" and possible source of litigation, this text provides in addition a "declinist vision of society" , going against  "digital innovation", yet one sector " job provider", argued Laure de La Raudière (UMP), entrepreneur.Several major professional organizations in the digital had felt that the text would " raise irrational fears , tensions and disputes around the networks and mobile digital services and wireless ."Questions arise regularly on the impact of waves on health, in particular with the deployment of 4G.Edits have been made in meeting local procedures for the antennas installation.MEPs finally banned the installation of wifi boxes in daycare , but not in the mother as desired by environmentalists schools.Committee , members had extended the ban to kindergartens, but they came back on this provision during the meeting at the request of the government.Such a ban " would be a real obstacle to the development of digital technology in primary schools at a time when it is a priority," said Philippe Martin .It would also send a " signal anxiety " families, most of whom receive many wifi signals in their home, has he added.
Fleur Pellerin: "It does not have to be the Wild West" Minister for the Digital Economy 
D. R. | Posted on Jan 23, 2014 7:00
This morning a new proposal for legislation to reduce exposure to waves will be presented by the member Laurence Bee ( EELV) .It is supported by the Minister of Ecology, Philippe Martin, and the Minister of Digital Economy, Fleur Pellerin which reveals the outline .
What is the prevailing principle in this text that you support ?FLOWER Pellerin. This text is a good synthesis of the priority investment and technological progress and the desire of some citizens in moderation electromagnetic waves. It acts that the deployment of the antennas should not be the Wild West and establishes the principle of moderation. This is a real novelty. This principle should be taken into account by the regulator and legislator. It is based on three pillars: cooperation and information to citizens, transparency and resorption outliers, those where emissions are above average.
Provide for a maximum level of emissions ?There are already thresholds and we keep. Following the report I commissioned two experts, it turns out that the principle of moderation and sobriety is more effective than new thresholds that may open endless litigation. This is what offers Laurence ABEILLE. It is better involve citizens in the installation of antennas and operators communicate better on the emission level and installation of antennas. The mayor will be the focus of consultation and may seek exposure measures in the National Frequency Agency .
What about blackheads?It will be the agency to define these sites to study how they should be treated and to check that it was done by the operators. It should cover about a thousand sites.
And in schools?Does it makes sense to put the Wi- Fi in schools that cater for children under 3 years ? No, so it solves the problem cribs. Vincent Peillon a great project to use digital technology in learning to read , and kindergartens will need Internet . But the Wi -Fi will not be lit when the educational activities warrant. That means that there will box on the Internet a simple device to easily turn off the Wi-Fi.
What is planned for mobile ?Anses* report says that mobile produce more emissions than the antennae. The text proposes to better inform buyers about radiation from mobile. There will be information campaigns encouraging them to use hands-free kits, and caution statements on advertisements.
Operators have been unreasonable because they need a law ?The investment was necessary, there was a high demand. But it does not have to be the Wild West,
I repeat.
Some fear that 4G is also dangerous ...4G equipment emits less , the network is more sober than 3G. Eventually, when there is only 4G network, it will be a less radiation. No need to fear , therefore , on the contrary .
* ANSES: National Safety Agency .
Waves yes, but in moderationA bill is considered today for the first time in France , to limit exposure to electromagnetic waves.Frédéric and Daniel Mouchon Rosenweg | Posted on Jan 23, 2014 7:00
"Consume with moderation." One day - Will we see this message displayed on our tablets, smartphones or Internet box ? The bill proposed by Green MP Laurence ABEILLE, presented today at the Assembly , aims to enshrine in law the principle of restraint in the population exposure to electromagnetic waves. This text , supported by the government proposes to further regulate the installation of antennas and to minimize the use of wi -fi in schools.A first draft deposited there a year , had not received government approval . The Minister for the Digital Economy , Fleur Pellerin had then warned against " irrational fears " related to the airwaves. Reluctance now forgotten since it is what we revealed exclusively, the key measures . While 102,000 antennas are deployed in France and 4G is booming , the National Agency for the Safety of Food, Environmental and Occupational summarizes the issue in the debate: "On one side these new products are favored by the population, on the other they arouse suspicion."The mobile operators take refuge, them, behind the official lack of "clear risk" to challenge any supervision. "Historically , they provided a very favorable legislation, and today there is a form of anarchy in the installation of antennas ," says co-chair of EELV group in the Assembly , François de Rugy .Anti- wave associations require the application of the precautionary principle and the creation of
"safe havens" in urban areas, protected from waves, to accommodate people electro. 
"At least a thousand French suffer from this handicap recognized in Sweden, says Green MEP Michèle Rivasi. I work so that they can be accommodated in a white area, Saint -Julien -en- Beauchene (Hautes -Alpes), to spend a few months to recharge it . "AUDIO . Electromagnetic waves: Palhares , the Ardèche village resists
With video


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