Attenzione ai laptop , non metteteli sulle ginocchia !
Studio fatto in ITALIA!!!!! personalmente conferma quello che gia accadeva al mio fisico col mio portatile ...mi devasta e coì è ampiamente documentato in questo importante studio condotto dai pediatri della Università di Siena.
Dept of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Reproduction Medicine, University of Siena.
ASL 7 (Local Health Agency), Prevention Dept Physical Agents Laboratory, Siena.
CNR (Italian Research Council), Institute of Applied Physics (IFAC), Florence, Italy.
Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields From Laptop Use of “Laptop” Computers
Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields From Laptop Use of “Laptop” Computers
Dept of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Reproduction Medicine, University of Siena.
ASL 7 (Local Health Agency), Prevention Dept Physical Agents Laboratory, Siena.
CNR (Italian Research Council), Institute of Applied Physics (IFAC), Florence, Italy.
Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields From Laptop Use of “Laptop” Computers
Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields From Laptop Use of “Laptop” Computers
Le emissioni misurate riportano dei valori che pur rimanendo nei limiti, alti, che la Legge riporta (fonte ICNIRP) è molto superiori a quelli consigliati da fonti non-negazioniste .
Un consiglio è non metterli sulle ginocchia, vicino al corpo e questo vale sia per le donne in gravidanza ma anche per i 'maschietti' per depotenziamento della mobilità degli spermatozoi (vedere diversi studi su calo riscontrato negli ultimi decenni)
“In the LTCs analyzed, EMF values (range 1.8–6 μT) are within International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation (NIR) Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines, but are considerably higher than the values recommended by 2 recent guidelines for computer monitors magnetic field emissions, MPR II (Swedish Board for Technical Accreditation)
and TCO (Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees), and those considered risky for tumor development... the power supply induces strong intracorporal electric current densities in the fetus and in the adult subject, which are respectively 182–263% and 71–483% higher than ICNIRP 98 basic restriction recommended to prevent adverse health effects.”
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